Monte Argentario

Monte Argentario is a promontory that extends into the Tyrrhenian Sea at the two southernmost islands of the Tuscan Archipelago; the Isola del Giglio and the Island of Giannutri.

The coast of Capo d’Uomo
Even the Argentario was born as an island, but over the centuries the joint action of the sea currents and the river Albegna has created two tomboli, the Tombolo della Giannella and the Tombolo della Feniglia, which have united the island to the mainland, forming at the same time the Orbetello Lagoon.

Monte Argentario reaches the highest point at Punta Telegrafo (635 m) and is characterized by a completely hilly and sometimes impervious territory, softened only by the work of man who has created over time the terraces where mainly vines are cultivated. olive trees. The coastline, very indented, includes coves and beaches, mainly stony, of considerable beauty from the naturalistic point of view and is part of the Sanctuary of cetaceans established in 1991 as a protected natural marine area of ​​international interest. Some small islands, the Isolotto of Porto Ercole, Isola Rossa and Isola Argentarola are part of the municipal territory.
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