The climate in Argentario

The climate in Argentario

The climate is Mediterranean, therefore quite mild throughout the year, with a significant increase in humidity during the summer. Precipitation is rather low (on average slightly more than 400 mm per year) and rarely long lasting; they are concentrated above all in the autumn months. Heliophany, that is to say the sun, reaches one of the absolute maximum annual values ​​of the entire Italian national territory.

On the basis of the weather averages of the three-year period 1971-2000, the most recent in use, the average temperature of the coldest month, January, is 5.9 ° C, while that of the hottest month, August, is 22.7 ° C; on average there are 14 days of frost per year and 11 days per year with a maximum temperature equal to or higher than 30 ° C. In the thirty years examined, the extreme temperature values ​​are +37.8 ° C in August 1998 and -9.0 ° C in January 1979.

The average annual precipitation is 455 mm, on average distributed over 51 days, with a prolonged minimum between late winter, spring and summer and moderate peak in autumn.

The average annual relative humidity recorded a value of 72.8% with a minimum of 64% in July and a maximum of 79% in November; on average there are 150 days a year with foggy episodes.

Below is the table with the climatic averages and the absolute maximum and minimum values ​​recorded in the three-year period 1971-2000 and published in the Italian Climate Climate of the Meteorological Service of the Italian Air Force for the same thirty years.